April 25, 2020

How Livestreaming Saved a Brick and Mortar Business During COVID-19 with Miranda Pinto

How Livestreaming Saved a Brick and Mortar Business During COVID-19 with Miranda Pinto

Miranda Pinto talks with Kerry Shearer about how how livestreaming saved her brick and mortar business during the COVID-19 pandemic

017 - We’re passing Week #7 of stay at home lockdown, and the economic impact has been devastating for owners of non-essential brick and mortar businesses.

In this episode, Kerry talks with the owner of a baby boutique in historic downtown Lincoln, CA whose income plunged to zero literally overnight when the Stay at Home orders were issued and non-essential businesses had to close.

Miranda Pinto shares what she did to pull her business out of a COVID-19 nose dive, and as you might expect, livestreaming video was the game-changer!

Miranda describes how, as a newbie to live video, she figured out what to do and overcame repeated tech issues to make sales and triple her normal sales by offering her inventory of adorable baby clothes in a show that she webcast!

Her livestreams even attracted the attention of the Chamber of Commerce and two Sacramento TV stations, which featured Miranda in newscasts.

You'll find her story inspiring!


Miranda's web site

Miranda's Facebook Page

Kerry Shearer's Livestream Tech Store